Treponema pallidum in cortical layer of the right frontal area of the brain [of General Paralysis] (case 299). Stained, with slight modification, by Levaditi’s method. x 1,100


Part of A sífilis na história da psiquiatria brasileira


Treponema pallidum in cortical layer of the right frontal area of the brain [of General Paralysis] (case 299). Stained, with slight modification, by Levaditi’s method. x 1,100


Figura 1 - Treponema pallidum in cortical layer of the right frontal area of the brain [of General Paralysis] (case 299). Stained, with slight modification, by Levaditi’s method. x 1,100


NOGUCHI, H.; MOORE, J. W. A demonstration of treponema pallidum in the brain in cases of general paralysis. The Journal of Experimental Medicine, v. XVII, 1913, p. 232-238. Plate 50.